29 March 2012

Conversation Club

Wednesdays Timetable

28-03-12 Hobbies
04-04-12 Music
11-04-12 Famous People
18-04-12 Life Abroad
25-04-12 Holidays
02-05-12 Job Interview
09-05-12 No Club
16-05-12 College Interview
23-05-12 Sports
30-05-12 Your Home
06-05-12 Hotel Reservations

15 March 2012

Job Interview Skills Workshop

On the 28th of February the volunteers in OKO delivered a special presentation for unemployed members of the public in Rychnov nad Kneznou; the aim of the event was to help participants gain practical English skills to use in a job interview, in writing a cover letter and in the preparation of a CV.

The day began with information about the European Voluntary Service, using a presentation we explained the nature of the project, what our roles are in OKO and talked about our experiences so far. This was also a chance to introduce ourselves before going on to work in small groups with the participants on each of the topics.

The tasks were broken down into the three main areas: interview skills, cover letter and CV. Each participant had a chance to talk about each subject, and were given advise on improving their language and a chance to practice.

The day was very successful and everyone who took part was satisfied with the outcome. As a result we will be taking this activity to the neighbouring town of Nachod on April 2nd and organising a follow-up session for the original participants in Rychnov.

As the native English speaker in OKO, my main responsibility during this activity was the interview aspect, and for me it was a really rewarding experience to be able to share my language and skills in a way that felt incredibly productive and useful to the participants. Please view the “Job Interview” section to find the materials from the workshop.

07 March 2012

On-Arrival Training in Chaloupky 21-26 February

I have just taken part in my On-Arrival Trainingas part of the European Voluntary Service programme. I took part in 6 days of activities and met many other volunteers from all over Europe, who will also be working on various projects within the Czech Republic this year.

The training took place in a centre for ecological and outdoor education called Chaloupky, which is around 30 minutes away from Jihlava. While we were there we made many games and group sessions in the centre, learnt about our role as volunteers and took advise on working as a team.

As part of the activities we were given the chance to make a workshop for the other volunteers, and I took the opportunity to teach a group how to juggle! It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed sharing my skill with the participants, who in fact were very quick to learn and I was happy to see them able to juggle by the end of the session.

I hope that the group will remain friends throughout the year and we will maintain contact after the EVS. It was a great experience and I would like to thank the trainers, Honza, Bara and Karol for their leadership and advise, as well as the great staff at Chaloupky who made it a fantastic week for all involved!