30 November 2011

Christmas is coming!

Our new exhibition is up in the hall of Rychnov Public Library for you to visit, our posters are prepared to inform you of all the different traditions in our native countries during the holiday season. What do we eat? What is the story of Christmas? What is Christmas like in Australia?! Find out by visiting the hall between now and January. Enjoy :)

28 November 2011

New Features

On the blog you will now be able to find extra content in the English language, so keep checking back for more interesting posts in video, music and articles!

08 November 2011

Cinema Club

A new feature for OKO this year, soon we will be starting a cinema club! Anyone can participate, the aim of the club is to engage with your chosen language in a different way other than just reading from books. We will show a short film/documentary/cartoon - anything you would like to see, and discuss it together afterwards. Come along and see what you think!

07 November 2011

English Club 2011

Hello! Let me introduce myself, my name is Annabel and I am 22 years old. I have just arrived here at OKO and I will be taking over the English Club for 2011/2012. My first week has been very interesting and I'm looking forward to getting to know the participants over the coming months.

I really hope to make English Club a fun and positive experience for everyone, and if you have any ideas for activities you would like to try
please let me know, (for example: reading a from an English newspaper or magazine and discussing the articles). You can contact me anytime via email from the blog.

See you soon!